GOPET launches first intermodal block train between Romania and Poland

Jul 17, 2018News

Our second fully managed block train checks another First: being the first intermodal train connecting the two most prominent markets of CEE region, Poland and Romania.

This block train was a real challenge for our Intermodal team, implementation-wise,  given the lack of rail paths over Tatra Mountains. In order to overcome this, train runs over 1.000km spread over 4 borders (RO-HU, HU-SK, SK-CZ and CZ-PL) in 36h (terminal to terminal).

For a short period, train will run once per week in each direction, with departures as follows:

  • each Wednesday  – Oradea Terminal (RO),  and
  • each Friday – Spedcont, Lodz (PL).

Current fleet includes 45′ Pallet Wide High Cube Containers and the traction operations at each end are handled smoothly by dedicated carriers.

As of September, frequency will increase to 2 trains/weel/direction. Until the end of 2018, we plan to reach a composition of 40 units per each train. This new connection opens up options to further connect with Scandinavia via the already existing line from Lodz to Gdynia and then continue by ferry. As for the Balkans, clients can benefit from already existing block train running from Curtici to Stara Zagora (via Rousse).

For more operational and commercial details, we welcome you to get in touch today at gti [at]